Upcoming Site Changes

Like many things in the early growing stages, this site is going through changes. As I see what works well, and what isn't living up to my hopes, a couple things are bound to evolve over time.
Prior to launch, I was excited to announce new features like having rewards points. I really love the idea of giving back for all the support you give me! Finding an efficient way to do that is a big priority. However, in action, the particular system I chose has proven to be awkward and clunky to work with. So I've been exploring other options to switch to for providing a better experience. One that is easier to sign up for and navigate, plus easier to manage on my end. 
Everyone who already has a rewards account will have all of their rewards automatically transferred over as soon as you create a login with the new system once it goes online. You will have to click to sign up over again though. I apologize for the inconvenience, and am here to answer any questions you may have. 
Everyone who has ordered from the site will also be able to receive retroactive rewards points upon signup with the new system once it it's up on the site.
For the moment, rewards, wish lists, and a few other features may disappear briefly while I'm working on this transition. Hopefully it will all be setup and ready to go, even better than before within a week. I will make another announcement when it's up. Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to comment below or message me. I'm always happy to answer.  Thank you all for your patience and understanding as I navigate these growing changes. 
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